Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Someone Asks Men What Myths About Them Are 100% False, And Here Are 64 That Infuriate Them The Most

Women have heard some pretty ridiculous things about themselves. Ignorance is bliss. However, for every common myth about them, there's an equally popular and equally nonsensical misconception about men.

To find out more, reddit user navisnadakkal asked guys to share the fallacies about themselves that infuriate them the most. And they heard it. The post has received over 73K upvotes and 33K comments, and it should become a must-read for every gossip magazine "journalist" out there.


"real men don't have emotions". Yeah go to hell.


That we can never NOT be in the mood and if we are we must be sick or cheating.


Men can't be abused by woman


'Men can't multitask'
Every time I hear that I have to stop what I am doing so I can get angry


That we miss signs that women give them because they are stupid. We see them, but we don’t want to be creepy/jump to conclusions.


Man who works at daycare are phedophiles Every year there are people who complain I work there


That we cannot parent as well as a woman. That we need a random woman to come hold a man’s child because they’re crying. That we are “babysitting” when our spouse isn’t with our babies.


That men find it normal to cheat and brag about it.


Men are worse communicators than women.
Really depends on the man, and the woman!


The whole "Men think about sex every 7 seconds" thing. If you think that's true, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you


I really hate how fruity drinks are associated with women, like damn can I just enjoy my strawberry daiquiri.


Showing emotion is a weakness. It isn't. We have just as many emotions as women, and our emotions are just as valid


I am not a male myself but i hope it is ok for me to comment, It really annoys me when people say that men can not be raped because if they got a hard on they must have wanted it. Shit like that causes men to not report rapes and makes them feel shit about themselves. ANYONE can be raped, no matter age, sex or if the rapist is married to them. No means no. It is as simple as that.


We are less mature then women, no exceptions


"Men are threatened by independent women"


Erections mean we want sex. Even as adults, they can still be random.


We're all unable to control our nature to have sex. Believe me if I couldn't control myself you'd have noticed by now.


F**k, where to start? I was a stay at home Dad for 2 years. The sheer volume of Karens at parks and playgrounds used to drive me up a wall. They were always dumbfounded when I didn't need their help.
Yes, I can change a diaper. Probably faster than you can.
Yes, I have snacks. Celery, carrots and a little ranch
Yes, I have drinks. Water bottles and juiceboxes
Yes, I have lunch. Chicken cutlet sandwiches. No, we didn't buy them at the deli, I can actually cook.
No, I don't need wine. It's 10AM, Karen. Get a f**kin grip.


I hate when I hear from someone when I have my kids and my wife is working that I'm "babysitting". It drives me insane. I don't babysit. I'm raising my kids, I'm not a volunteer or a hired hand. Ugh.


That only women suffer from negative body sterotyping.

Really? REALLY? I grew up in the 80s. Have not seen He-Man? Swartzenegger, Fabio, Jason Momoa...


"All men are the same."

God, I wish. Can't tell you how many times I've been to a stupid event with my girlfriend and she disappears and I'm left hanging out with the other boyfriends and husbands and there's nothing for us to talk about.

I'm not into car shit or sports or any other basic male activities.

All men are not the same.


My wife is going to earn 1.5-2x as much as me when she's done with her study. So I'm gonna work for 2-3 days and take care of the kids when she's done.

People act like I'm a traitor to the whole Male race and that I'm crazy of being a half stay at home dad.

Maybe I like to stay at home to spend time with my kids?!


That dads are dopey morons barely capable of caring for themselves, let alone their kids


No, im not going to a strip club. no, that doesn't mean I'm gay


That we are not afraid of walking alone through a dark car park at night. After a great deal of asking every one from police, to self defense instructors, to a green beret and a bunch of combat vets, to the most cracked out gun nuts. Not met a single person who had no fear.


'There are plenty of fish in the sea, just get over it.'
F**k you... I liked that fish. Even if it was kinda mean and cruel.


The whole s**t with " you are a man" when it comes to pain, lifting, sadness etc.


All men are perverted scum bags that only want sex


That all we care about is sex Like bro we like to hug and cuddle too


That all those rich white guys in Congress are looking out for me because I, too, am a white guy. They don't give any more of a s**t about me than they do about you.


That if we like children but don’t have children of our own we’re automatically given at the very least a little grilling, if not straight out asked if we’re a pedophile.
I like dogs too, for pretty similar reasons. Nobody ever asks me if I’m a dog fucker.


Get too close to a child and you are automatically branded a pedophile. I work as low tier manager in toy store, and even though I have company t-shirt and name tag. People still ask me if i work there, people still look at me weird when I am going around the store doing whatever. It's sometimes hard to ignore. I just hope people will understand that working at my dream job doesn't mean i want to do stuff to their kids. It hurts sometimes.


That we're all not interested in or incapable of being involved in the planning of our weddings.

I cannot tell you how many comments like "Remember, it's her day, not yours!" I received during the 2-year lead-up to our wedding. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'd been looking forward to getting married since I was 12 or something but I took an active interest together with my wife in the planning of our wedding. "It's not my day, it's hers?" Fuck that. It was our day. We planned it together. Her vision definitely brought it all together and she did a fucking astounding job, but she didn't just make decisions on her own, we talked together about and worked together on every single thing involved in the event; and we were both ecstatic with how it turned out. It turned out beautifully. I try not to toot my own horn very often but I never thought the best party I'd ever go to would end up being my own!


Just because I have a dick and you have a vagina doesnt mean I'm trying to get in your pants. I want friends just like anyone else. But when I try to talk to people like my guy friends they assume I'm trying to date them. No. I just like asking my friends how they were because I hate people who only talk to you when they want something. So I talk to everyone as a show of you are my friend, not the services you offer.


Not a man, but I've seen too many people say something along the lines of "men can't get raped" or "it's not as bad for them as it is for a woman".


I'll never understand the very common belief that men can't or refuse to care for children.


That men constantly need to be reminded to do particular jobs around the house, if i say i will do something i will. There is no need to remind me every 6 months.


The phrase "man up".

Not a myth, but still f**king pisses me off that just because I have a d**k, I'm not allowed to feel bad.


That we are rapists by default, and therefore being a good person is the part that takes effort.


When women ask "what are you thinking about?", and you reply with "nothing", we actually are thinking about nothing. Wife never believed me until a family counselor brought it up. Made her realize I wasn't the only one doing it. Or what we're actually thinking about is so trivial and kinda stupid, the second we're interrupted with the question, we immediately forget what it was. That or we just done feel like sharing if we do remember because it is kinda dumb.


Truthfully, guys don't always want sex. There were times with my ex when she wanted sex and was confused or upset that I didn't want it at that point. Sometimes cuddles are enough.


That masculinity is bad. BAD masculinity is bad, but for some, masculinity can be empowering.


that men enjoy being raped. Wtf is wrong with people who think that?


I'm not a man, but one thing that annoys me about men stereotypes is that they can't be friends with girls without wanting a shag. Most of my friends are guys, and none of them have ever tried to get with me. Men can just be friends. It is possible.


The idea that being born a man is like playing a video game on 'easy mode'. Let's just look at the U.S

boys fare worse in education. Boys are less likely to graduate high school, and less likely to attend college. Boys earn lower grades in all subjects at all ages. Discrimination in grading is at play; studies show boys get lower grades for the same work. This was a study from MIT that broke it down and found very clear evidence of direct grading bias.

men consistently have a higher unemployment rate

men are more likely to be homeless

men are more likely to be incarcerated

men are punished more harshly in court for the same crime

men die younger, but have proportionately less healthcare funding.

These things are unlikely to be true for a 'privileged' social class, and certainly doesn't make things easier.


That we're all messy, disorganized, don't clean or do chores well.


That men have to be brave and strong all the time. I love being the little spoon in bed with my SO. Nothing makes me feel safer and calmer than having her wrap her arms around me and cuddle in.


All men that play video games are violent and/or anti social.


It's getting better now, but back in the day basically every guy on TV was a sports-obsessed, car/motorcycle loving, beer swilling moron who couldn't function without his wife to look after him and the kids.
My wife went away last week for work and I'll have you know that only half my kids got eaten by wolves.


Daughter to a single dad here...

There was this myth I discovered when I was young. It's something almost all my female friends were told, but thankfully not me. The myth is the belief that there are such things as "girl business" where only your mom or other older females in the family should help you with.

As the only girl in the house growing up my dad helped me understand and deal with a great many "girl business" problems. Meanwhile all my friends had their moms to handle it for them. When my friends found out my dad was sort of in charge of handling those with me they were shocked. They asked me why I didn't have an aunt or grandma to help instead. Well, my aunts all live at least ten hours away and grandma is even further.

I began to realize over the years that there might actually be negative side effects to this "girls only" way of thinking. Sure, having another female assist you with those issues might be less awkward and embarrassing, but there's already an inherent awkwardness and embarrassment associated with it. Learning to overcome the embarrassment is part of growing up and accepting your body.

Furthermore, I have since grown up and began studying psychology, and done some research into this further for my studies. I'd have to do a more in depth and wide reaching survey and analysis to come to findings I'd be comfortable with being peer reviewed, but I have a theory that the "girls only" mentality causes relationship issues later in life. Young girls grow up thinking that there are some aspects of womanhood men not only don't understand but can't understand. It makes them not only less trusting of male partners, but also keeps them from seeing men as equals when it comes to parenting.

Sure, if you're a mom of a young girl there's no reason for you to not continue helping her with all the complex feminine issues she's going through. Just be careful not to make her think her dad doesn't empathize or understand too. Don't make him this distant third party who will never get it, or someone who should not be involved because he has a penis. That's the same toxic female attitude that causes soccer moms to call the cops on a dad when he takes his daughter to the park to play. Men can parent too, and they're surprisingly good at raising young girls on their own.


Not sure if it counts as a 'myth' but most TV portrayals; the guy's a dumbass and depends on his wife for literally everything. It's annoying and played out. I don't know anyone close to my age that lives like that.


If a woman physically assault a man, he somehow must have done something to deserve it. This gets even worse in those case where male victims of domestic abuse are getting arrested in case the police gets called, even though they are the victims and not the attacker.


Me having big feet only means that I wear big shoes. And seriously, what makes girls think they can just come up to you and ask about it?


I probably don’t want to f**k you. It’s usually a big decision with like some anxiety figuring out if I actually want to sleep with you even if I’m already interested. Although promoting ourselves as captain horndog makes us look cool to other guys so a lot of dudes do that, or they’re desperate.


All men are creeps. A few arseholes ruin it for the rest of us, and now some poor random guy is getting arrested for pedophilia because he was watching over his kids on the playground.

The other one that bugs me is the assumption that men don't care about their children. People see a guy with his children and are all like 'Oh, Mommy must be busy, are you having fun babysitting?' No, he's spending time with his kids, like any good parent, you fucking arsewipe.


I'm not sure if this applies, but any statement saying something like "all men are..." or "men are so..." as if men are the only ones with those personality traits. People get roped into stereotypes so quickly and it's annoying.


This whole “be a man” schtick that leads guys to internalize their problems and marinate in their own issues and neglect their mental health drives me nuts.

It took me a long time to find female friends just so id feel comfortable talking about my depression and get advice on how to get the help I need. If i did not, I would without a doubt be dead right now.

I stamp this thinking out wherever I can find it. It was almost the death of me.


Only men can be sexist


Myth: All men like having their balls played with and sucked on.

I don't. It hurts!


"The only reason men exist is to meet the needs of my family." In the span of 8 months I moved my family to their reservation, Bought a car and truck, restored a trailer, rebuilt the motor to my truck, bought my son a motorcycle, plus met every want my wife and son had. All while working six days a week. After seven months I snapped, my wife said "I had no idea that you felt this tired". In that time I took one weekend off then some prick burned my house down. I going on a full year of not taking personal time because of the rebuild. At one point I was skipping showering for a week at a time because I would just drop without warning. Men have limits too. A family should take care of each other not a single person taking care of the family.


When a guy buys a big truck, sports car, motorcycle, nice boat, or anything else that he's been dreaming about and planning for since he was a child, it's really about his penis and/or a midlife crisis.


The whole deal about how you just need to be confident and funny in order to get a girlfriend


The myth that we get paid more than women because sexism.


That men are all sex-crazed maniacs deep down.

Sometimes I don't want to have sex. Not in the mood sometimes and I can't just "turn it on" at will.


"Men think about sex every X amount of seconds"
I'm a grown man with a life, i have more to think about than just sex.


If you expose us to radiation we gain superpowers. In reality this has only happened a few times and most men would just die.


Men just wait around for a woman to inform them that they are now dating.
I'm not trying to claim that women come up to me in bars especially often, but on the rare times they do, there is a definite sense of, I am under no obligation to actually attract you as a mate. I exist and am female, and therefore by default you want to date me. Once, when I tried to politely decline, the woman chastised me in the bar for five minutes demanding to know what my excuse was, what reason I could give her. She simply assumed that the default was that I, as a man, want to date any woman, and that I have to justify not being attracted to a specific one.


That we only tell women our feelings to coerce them into bed. Like, "Wow, how new and amazing this relationship is.. im so glad I found you" That is uncomfortable vulnerability not some sort of plot.


That we only ever think about one thing.

Technically that's true at times, but it's rarely the "one thing" you assume it is.

For example, the only thing I can think about the past few weeks is how f**king cute Baby Yoda is. I mean, what the Hell? Is it even legal for something to be that fucking cute?!


never been a fan of "men can't go 6 seconds without thinking about sex" i mean yeah we all go around rock hard ready to hump something all hours of every day all the time. i often find the women who scream that ultimately have nothing else to offer in a relationship so they accuse men


manspreading is a deliberate action to take up as much room as possible.

It's comfortable. We have testicles.


Looks like it's more culture specific: Being with the father figure by mother/grandma. Like if you messed up or misbehave "If your Dad finds out you'll be in trouble". Worst case is when Dad is told the story in a way that he gets angry and fulfills those threats.

It's wasn't only in my case, most of the guys I've been talking with had the same case.

Like, WTF ?


The "it's just sex" stereotype of men is a lose/lose proposition for us.

On one hand, if I'm into you, you suspect I'm just trying to get my dick wet. The idea that my desire works on several different levels, that I want to get my hands on you, in part, because of your wit or kind heart, is inconceivable. I'm a man, so I'm just a semen machine.

On the other hand, if you're into me, and I'm not into you, there must be something wrong with me for not wanting to fuck you despite the lack of any emotional connection.

Go ahead, call me "gay" because I won't live down to your horrible stereotype about men. I don't care, because I know I can't win. Deep down, we'll always just be animals to y'all.


we always pee standing up. We can, tho when you wake up or are tired it's so much easier to just sit down and take a comfy little piss


We do ask for directions if we need them.. we just don't need them, shut up and let me concentrate on the road, Karen.


That all black guys are hung, all asians are small, and all white guys are average. Completely not true. Theres a wide spectrum for everyone, hung asians, teeny black guys, whatever


That men has it easier than women. Such BS


It bothers me that if I see a child on their own in a supermarket looking lost, I have to look for an employee or any female and can't approach the child myself. Please note, this is not the same everywhere. When I taught English in China a number of years ago, it was not a worry.


I'm going with "Men who get upset about being lumped in and stereotyped with [insert horrible thing] have fragile egos". Sorry for not wanting to be considered the same way you talk about serial abusers or adulterers, Karen.


That we would have sex with anything that has a heartbeat. 100% untrue, ive had sex with inanimate objects too

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2RhdCt1

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