Monday, March 9, 2020

People Share 66 Distressing Things Nanny Cams Recorded Their Babysitters Or Other People Doing

There’s always an extra little step to take when it comes to making sure your baby is all safe and happy. After a while, your parenting shows in your appearance. Your forward chest and restless stance betray you—that’s how forever ready you are to sprint right to your baby’s crib after hearing the slightest noise.

But there’s one unique body part found only in newborn parents, and both moms and dads know that's "mom's gut." If "mom’s gut" is telling you there’s something not quite right with your precious baby after a day spent with the nanny, it ain't lying. And you'd better have that baby cam up and working in no time.

When one Reddit user asked parents with nanny cams what they have caught their babysitters doing, the thread started flooding with teeth-clenching stories. 41K upvotes later, it became obvious that there’s never too much you can do to make sure your baby is in the right hands.

We invite all the Pandas to share their own nanny cam discoveries, whatever they may be, in our comments!


Friend caught hers rummaging through her closet and stealing a blouse. She confronted her about it when she returned home, and the woman played innocent.

She was wearing the f**king blouse.


Not a parent but my friend used to have a baby sitter

His parents caught his babysitter eating Viagra Pills.
His babysitter was a girl.


Not me but my aunts friend set up a nanny cam because she noticed that every time she changed her child’s diaper the child would start crying a lot more than usual. Turns out when they watched the nanny change her diaper, she would use Clorox wipes if they were nearby instead of grabbing the baby wipes.


This was my (equivalent of) pre-k. All the kids were regressing in their movement ability and getting really fat so they set up spy equipment. Turns out one carer was doubling every baby’s food portions and forcefully overfeeding them.


Used knife to cut apples, licked knife clean, put back in drawer without washing. Yup. Wtf


i’ve been a pretty regular weekend nanny for an amazing family for four years now. they’ve cycled through a couple different weekday nannies since i’ve been with them. there is only one monitor and it’s in the little dude’s room. once the mom showed me on the camera why they let one go. little dude said “mommy said i don’t have to do that.” and the nanny snapped back “well it doesn’t matter, mommy is a b*tch.” and then dragged the kid out of the room by his shirt. super fired.


Not a parent.

Caught my little sister's babysitter catching a good hour long nap at 2 PM while my 1 year old sister was up having the time of her life destroying my playstation.


We once caught the nanny putting charcoal to feed them as a “snack”. This woman claimed that she thought it was a snack. It was in a charcoal box. My brothers were 4...


Friends of ours don’t have kids but have dogs. They were going out of town and told the dog sitter about all of the cameras including the one that is outside but sometimes picks up reflections and will actively notify them of motion.

The dog sitter seemed to get it but she forgot to convey that to her boyfriend who came out and walked around naked quite a bit!


We didn't have a nanny cam, but my mom set up the camcorder when she suspected our babysitter was stealing... And then caught the babysitter stealing... She returned most of the stuff when my mom threatened to report her to the police.. I think she should still have reported her anyway. Now she probably just went on stealing at other people's places.


I'm not a parent rather the child and I had this nanny, or yaya as we would call it. It became useless because she soon found out and kept unplugging the camera. It turns out she was slowly stealing money from my family.

We fired her.


Not a Nanny Cam because this happened in the 90s and I don’t think we had them in Scotland then but my mum came home early one day because she had become suspicious of our nanny as my sister and I never slept after a day with her. She found both my sister and I in bed in the middle of the day. Turned out my nanny had been dozing us up with child medicine to make us sleep all day so she could sit and do nothing.


Farting loudly.


Not a nanny, and no cameras, but a few years ago we had a cleaning lady, who was in her early 30s. We usually had older ones, idk why we changed. Anyway, for context, my mother has a LOT of shoes - and some of them are quite expensive. She keeps those in her closet, and out of season ones in the shoe cupboard in the basement. One day she noticed a couple of pairs went missing, at at first she asked me if I took them (we have similar taste in shoes and same shoe size), but after us searching the entire house my mum realised the cleaner must’ve stolen them. Not one pair - but 3. My mum asked her if she’d seen them, because she couldn’t find them. And, sure enough, they appeared the next time she was there. Then my mum confronted her, and she said “you have so many shoes I didn’t think you’d notice, so I took them to wear them for some events I had”. Needless to say - she was fired.


A friend caught his nanny hitting their kid for interrupting that days binge of the TV show Friends.


I got a nanny cam to keep an eye out for my elderly grandfather, especially when the home aides were there. My grandfather started asking for lots of cash and couldn't remember what was happening to it, a broach that my aunt was supposed to get disappeared, and then I heard reports of my grandfather being inappropriate with the some of the home health aides. He was busted squirreling away his medication that he was supposed to be taking in his chair, giving money to an aide and sexually harassing another aide.


She stole a single puzzle piece of what we were trying to solve. Saw her put it in her pocket.

Final straw was one of our f**king potted plants.


My aunt has a nanny cam and found my older cousin's babysitter playing blackjack with him......she lost $50 lol


A little late to the party but here goes....

My mom suspected our maid of stealing the silverware. And she's just fucking nosy. Anyway, the maid was indeed stealing the silverware. I think that ended up being overshadowed by my dad f**king her, though.


Well a case which happened near where I live, woman used to work, husband out of country. Had a 2 year old kid. They hired a nanny to look after him during daytime. Day by day kid started looking malnourished. So she set up a spy cam.

Apparently the lady used to bring her kid and feed him all the food left for the kid she was supposed to babysit. Then she would feed the kid cheap biscuits. She was promptly handed over to police.


Wish I had a nanny cam! My step sister was watching my brother with disabilities for me. She would dump out the contents of his capsules meds and use them later.

Didn't find out about it till he stared having seizures constantly and ended up in the hospital for the second time.


Chasing my cats around with a broom, hitting them. (She’s since been fired.)


not my kids, but my sisters. this was when my nephew was still very young and my sister was still breastfeeding.

long story short, my sister caught the babysitter drinking her breast milk. she had her suspicions because my nephew would go through twice as much milk when the baby sitter was taking care of him. my sister set up the camera and caught the guy in the act. apparently the guy was some sort of fitness nut and had read that breast milk can be very beneficial.

as weird as it sounds, my sister ended up working out a deal with the guy. she got him to drop the price of watching the kid in exchange for a bit of breastmilk every now and again.


This isn´t something that I caught a babysitter doing but I remember that I once saw on TV the case of some parents that went with her baby to the doctor because she cried a lot for apparently no reason. The doctor told them that she looked really stressed and asked them if they were doing something that could make her act like that. They didn´t. Then the doctor and the parents noticed some really tiny dots in the girl´s belly and they had no idea where they came from. The babysitter told them that she had no idea but they didn´t believe her and secretly put cameras to spy what she was doing.

Turns out that she was crazy. She was stabbing the baby with a needle from time to time and doing things like shaking her cradle incredibly hard to torment her. Of course, they called the police, confronted her and she got arrested


My grandpa was staying with my parents but they figured it best to hire the regular sitter to watch my younger siblings overnight since they didn’t think my grandpa was up to the task and they were attending a wedding a couple hours away and made plans to spend the night in a hotel nearby. They had set up a nanny cam in a couple room, my siblings bedroom, the master bedroom, living room and kitchen. All motion activated. They normally wouldn’t bother looking through the footage if everything seemed fine upon returning home and their master bedroom cam had never been triggered before. When they returned they noticed that the cam in the master bedroom had been triggered so they decide to take a look, cut to footage of my grandpa and the sitter both naked aggressively making out from the entrance of the room staggering while intertwined towards the bed and then about 20 minutes of banging on my parents bed. The sitter was about 20 years old and my grandpa was around 70 at the time. My dad called me immediately after he saw the footage laughing his ass off, and I could hear my mom crying in the background completely mortified from what she had just witnessed and shouting at my dad to throw out the sheets and kick out grandpa. My mom called the sitter to confront her and she just apologized and said there was “connection” or some sh*t to that matter, when she ask my grandpa what he was thinking he just said “At my age you must seize every opportunity.” I wish there was audio for the build up, I lay awake at night sometimes just wondering what kind of game my grandpa was talking to get in that sitters pants.


When I was around 12yrs old, my parents caught my babysitter on camera stealing my NES games and shoving them into her pants and shirt. They confronted her about it and she kept denying it until Ninja Gaiden fell out of her pant leg. My mom took her into a room and made take out all the games she stole. She literally had games shoved under the strap of her bra on her back so that she could sneak them out of the house, and others were put inside the waist band of her underwear. She must've really thought about this for awhile. Anyway, we got the games back and she was sent home without pay.


I was the babysitter who was caught. It actually wasn't a nanny cam but a security cam pointed to their back door. They caught me walking outside to smoke a bowl of their weed while the baby was down for a nap. Not my proudest moment but we're friends and they didn't give a damn about the weed. They just thought it was hilarious when I started talking to the dog about how great the weather was.


We have a nest in our kids room and living/dining. You can see partially into the kitchen from the living room cam but not much. About the second week into using a new sitter we catch her talking tons of sh*t about my wife and how she coddles our 18 mo old son. Bragged about how she was going to quit at the end of the day because she hates working for us and doesn’t like our son. While she’s in the kitchen she puts him in his high chair and turns on an iPad for him to watch Elmo(no screen time allowed). He asks to get down and go play after a few minutes and she says no, he starts to cry and she basically yells at him “OMG are you serious right now?! Your so damn needy.” So he cry’s harder, about 10 minutes later she takes him back to his room where he calms down. I get home a few minutes later and send her on the way. Sitter: “Ohhh your home early, we had a rough morning but we are feeling better now” Me: “Yeah, hey you know that camera in the living room is on all the time and I can hear everything you say and do in the kitchen right?” She kinda stuttered and I told her to gtfo. Then me and my kid hung out all day and had a blast. The thing that got me was being mean to my son, like he’s not even 2 yet.


Not a nanny cam, but a vid. My SIL sat the camera down thinking she turned it off. I have over an hour of her teasing my toddler (in a mean way) with candy and popsicles. She started telling him that he would get some, then held it just out of reach. She then ate it in front of him making Mmmm Mmmm sounds. She was also calling him mean and weird names like “turd muncher, and Ricky Retardo”. The camera got all the audio, but only some video. At the end of the video is when we got home. When I confronted her with the video, she started claiming I “doctored it”. I was a liar, an “asshat”, and hated her because she was prettier than my wife (she is not). That was the last time she was allowed around either of our kids unsupervised. She was the SIL for 10ish years, and is now the Crazy Karen Ex SIL. I can’t have a presence on social media because she attacks me all the time, says lies etc... I am also estranged from my Brother because of her. 10 years of her warped his perception of our family. He still thinks some of the whacked out things she accused our Dad, sister, other brother, and various other family members of. No reasoning has convinced him of the truth, not even the thought that if video evidence refutes some of the claims, then all can be considered suspect. I may get comments and advice of what I could do, but in the end you can’t fight “crazy”, and sometimes life is just not fair. The only thing I have done to make things better is ignore her. She eventually just starts attacking someone else (like an annoying yipping dog, that just needs to annoy). As for my brother, I hope time will help to fix things. I also think that he might just be more like her than I think (birds of a feather fly together).


We once caught our dogsitter with her hand down her pants. I freaked out and showed the live stream to my girlfriend, at which point the dogsitter was humping the arm of our couch.


Paid an employee to come over and let my dog out, feed her, and play with her while we were out of town. 1 hour tops. Ended up with footage of him staying the night, sleeping in my bed.... naked..... AND bringing over another dog he was dog sitting for someone else (didn’t know about that) which he let sleep in my bed with him. Worst part was that my dog didn’t do well around other dogs she doesn’t know, poor girl was up all night stressed out my this intruder


Obligatory not a parent, but part of my course training to be a childcare practitioner means we have to learn signs of abuse. We had to watch footage from nanny cams where the "carers" involved hit the children with large soft books (so it wouldn't bruise), swung an infant by the ankles for crying (which is why we now check ankles for bruises) and one awful woman shook a baby who wouldn't go to sleep. The child suffered severe brain damage and is now permanently mentally disabled. It made me sick to watch it.


There are cameras around my grandmother's house. She has dementia and is taken care of by nurses. One beat her up for a whole minute. Nurse knew there were cameras and didn't care. Obviously got fired. (We live in a sh*tty country with sh*tty laws, we weren't allowed to press charges or any of the sort).


Ours caught our nanny stealing money from our vacation fund. She also left our 9 month old sitting on the counter as she walked away. Later that day, it caught a phone call about buying drugs, how much, the dealers name and a bunch of other stuff.

Turns out she had cleared out our 4 year old’s piggy bank of $115, took money and gift cards from my wife’s purse, stole my gold wedding ring (I wear a silicone one most days), and a bottle of hydrocodone.

I provided the evidence to the police and she was caught. She was found guilty in January. She had only worked for us for a few weeks


Not me, and not a babysitter, but my mum's friend was getting her house decorated by this painter. Since her and her husband would be at work all day they put all the valuables in their bedroom and set up nanny cams around the room.

Anyway, one day the husband gets this notification of movement from the cameras, he pulls up the footage and this painter is in their bedroom. The painter proceeds to get fully undressed and lie in the middle of their bed and masturbate. Needless to say the husband went straight home and fired him (I'm guessing he finished).

About five minutes later the decorator texts him "can I just ask why you've fired me" and the husband obviously replies "because you've just had a wank in my bed!". To which the painter replies "ok, no worries, I won't charge you for today's work"


I have a Nanny cam for the purpose of creeping my dog while I’m at work, but it’s how I discovered my former superintendent was coming in to my apartment randomly to steal a nug from my jar of weed. (I’m in Canada, weed is legal).


The couple I sat for had a nanny cam in their living room, the kind that went in bears. They got me on video giving their 2 yo the Heimlich after he tried to eat a rock.


The family I nanny for told me that their previous nanny got caught doing LOADS of awful things. The couple that outraged me most were 1) leaving their 3 year old daughter in the tub with water up to her chest for TWO HOURS everyday while she sat in another room unable to see said child. And 2) once she went to run an errand with the same kid, and their doorbell camera caught her putting kid in car seat, not buckling her, and peeling off. The mom said you could see toddler trying to buckled herself in before they took off >:(


I pay my neighbor to feed the stray cats in my garden when I'm away for days at a time, and the camera caught my neighbor trying to come in by pole (bamboo) vaulting one time. He nailed it, amazingly.


Not a nanny cam, but the video baby monitor managed to catch our then 1.5 month old projectile vomiting on me, and then straight up into the mouth and on the face of my husband 2 minutes later.


My mom put a nanny cam on my sister's bedroom. The only disturbing thing my mom allegedly saw was the babysitter crying while holding my sister. Turns out the babysitter just had a miscarriage the day before.


Caught the babysitter masturbating on our couch. The babysitter was/still is my female cousin. I figured the best thing was to just say nothing, save the awkwardness. She did it a fair amount.

I then mentioned our house cam by accident some months later and her face dropped. I realised what I'd said then casually threw in that I'd never checked it, again, to save the awkwardness.


When she put my daughter down for her nap, she took a nap on the bed next to her.


Playing Uno using bulls**t house rules.


Not a parent and not a nannycam, but my uncle once set up a wildlife camera (the ones that hunters use) to get a photo if something happened in my great grandmothers Appartement. She was very demented so she told us incoherent stories about how there were people there, stealing all her liquor and chocolates.

Turns out she was the one who stole the goodies, but we also found out her other son, my other uncle who no one has contact with due to his shady actions with his wife, had a key to the apartment and was regularly visiting at midnight to steal some jewelry.


I was a nanny in college, I’d occasionally take a couple of the kids’ probiotic gummy vitamins. I always felt so scandalous. The vitamins were delicious.


I was the babysitter...

I used to look after the daughter of a couple who played tennis with my uncle. They were super rich and went out all the time, the kid would go to bed at about 7, then I would sneak a bit of booze from their well-stocked bar. I wouldn't drink it on the job, but I'd pour it into my water bottle to take to my next party. It happened on and off for about three years, then one night they must have changed their security system or something, and I got busted. They were very chill about it, seeing as I clearly didn't drink it while watching their kid, but told me they could get in trouble for supplying.


I know of a person that was taking care of a house plus dog's and horse's. The girl played with the dog's but forgot to mention a huge leak with the water. Ended up costing thousands of dollars. She was fired. They saw this on the camera. Just remember, there's always somebody or something watching!


Ignoring my children, as usual


My neighbours were checking in on our cats once every day while we were on holiday and if you know anything about cats, it’s that they don’t need light to see. We check on our home security in the morning for any deliveries etc and notice the light on so we look from a few other POVs and it turns out our neighbours had turned all our lights on. I gave them a quick text and apparently they turned the lights on “so the cats could see”. That holiday cost too much in electricity bills.


Less than a month ago, my coworker was notified that his child was crying (I guess his cams are some high tech cry-detecting sh*t). One of his nannies said nothing had happened so he checked the cam, which he showed us during lunch. The nanny (recently hired) was just chillin with his three year old and one year old, when the one year old got close to the edge of the bed. The sitter just sat there, watching, while the kid slowly crawled closer and closer towards the abyss. She did nothing and the kid fell pretty hard, surprise surprise. My coworker questioned the nanny again, who KNEW there were cameras, and she denied being responsible for the fall. He told her to pack up her things and leave. It was pretty cringe, watching her just look at the kid get hurt. Like any human would instinctually know danger was approaching, dafuq?


We have a ring doorbell and we put out snacks for delivery drivers. My parents were in town and stayed a week over to sit out dogs while we went out of town for the week. We get notifications on our phones when the doorbell senses movement of course. 2 or 3 times a day the notification was my mother going out to the delivery drivers snack stache taking little debbie cakes. We had a good laugh about it but never told my mom we knew. She gets embarrassed easily. However, same week we were gone, we also had recently put in a couple of inside cameras before we left. One is in our living room facing the couch. It was new to us so we were checking out the footage from our phones on and off a couple of times during the week. One time my diabetic dad was sitting on the couch binge eating the kids cheetos! My dad does not get embarrassed I had to say something over the two way speaker. I said "hey dad, last time I checked those were not diabetic friendly cheetos". My dad replied "Fuck you, and you will need to buy more cheetos".... love my dad so


No nanny cam back then. Our babysitter took us upstairs and took her pants off and laid on the floor. She had us take turns putting our penises on her vagina and pressing. Not in.. just on. As hard as we could, as she said to do. This other boy and I had no idea why. We were about 5 or 6 at the time. I remember a sense of feeling like it was wrong. I told my mom and i never saw her again. True of my chest. Never told that before.. first memories wtf


Rolling around on my bed- not laying- like rolling as a pig would roll in mud. So weird. Sooooo weird.

Locking the second nanny in a bathroom on purpose for 20 minutes listening to her scream while binge eating from my pantry.

A few others...


The baby was babysitting her.


Not parent, but like others have a cam for dog. Our house sitter turned our house into a laundry mat for their cleaning business, left my dog outside for 2 hours alone pacing back and forth (cold, and dog is short hair, no under coat) and lied to my in-laws to their face on camera about the “long walks they go on” that were only actually 6 minutes (he needs an hour at minimum). They knew we had cams outside. Wished I would have had one on inside but I was trying to give them privacy (because we used them pre-camera and trusted them). Being out of country, I understandably lost my sh*t. Fired them as soon as we could get someone actually dependable in(time difference made things horrible/sleuthing to figure out what was going on didn’t help) Makes me sad someone would not take care of my dog. That’s what we paid you to do. Jerks.


Not on camera, but my friend returned home from work early one day and found the au pair wasn’t home. No biggie, probably out for a walk with the kid. She went to use the downstairs bathroom and found a positive pregnant test. My friend left it there, acted like she didn’t see it but started looking for a replacement au pair just in case. Sure enough the au pair mysteriously packed up and left the country with her boyfriend without saying a word.


I used to manufacture and sell nanny cams, covert surveillance systems, among other devices.

Most of the stuff caught has been employees having sex with other employees, or employee theft from cash registers.

If you’re wanting to buy a nanny cam to catch your spouse doing something wrong, be ready to see the truth, and chances are, you don’t need to buy one to know it’s happening.


Dancing the Macarena to entertain my niece and nephew


I bought one to keep an eye on the cats when we drove to see the eclipse and visit my fam a couple years ago. My one cat figured it out and would sit there having random conversations with me, rubbing his face on it.

It really entertained my family. Got a ping during the eclipse, seems he was seriously concerned about the planet. I could see my ancient cat running laps in the background while Smart Cat was giving me a rundown. The third cat was mysteriously absent.


My Aunt caught her nanny doing all her (the nanny's) laundry. All of it, including what she was wearing at the time, meaning that she sat her naked butt on couch to watch tv while the machine was running without even having the decency to put a towel down. Gross.


Not me but a family friend. I used to live in a tropical region when I was really young. My friend parent's got a nanny for both their daughters. The younger child was around 2-3 years old when it started. The nannies there are basically live-in maids and once a year they would go back home for a month or so. So when my friend's parents would go out for work, they would be alone with the maid. The maid would, to avoid babysitting, put a huge ant on my friend so that it bites her and she cries herself to sleep and the maid would go around the neighborhood frolicking with her boyfriend. It kept happening for a few years until one day the maid eloped with her boyfriend when her acts were caught. I can't remember how she got caught. But yeah my friend developed a lot of issues and had to deal with it till her late teen years. She came from a conservative family so of course therapy was never considered.


When I was around Toddler age I stopped having baby sitters after my parents came home to me crying in my buggy that was left in the corridor by the front door. My parents then found the babysitter with another person who were eating all the food out the fridge. My safety was one issue but my parents were both out working, we couldn't afford to lose all that food.

I think it stopped them from going out to have breaks too.


It was actually our babysitters mom that was the problem. When our babysitter was over, who was a teenager, the mom would come over, knock on the door, and ask to use our bathroom. I remember answering and saying "okay here it is" and showed her the closer downstairs bathroom. But she said no I need to use the upstairs bathroom. Turned out she was stealing medicine from us.


A colleague of mine saw that, when his 8 month old baby cried, the nanny just ignored him and kept watching reality TV, not paying any attention to him while he bawled his eyes out. She did not attempt to console him or anything, she just tried to hear the tv.

There were a few other troubling instances too, like she'd say they went on a brief stroll but disappeared for hours with no explanation, or she didn't follow the parents' instructions on how to put him to sleep and let him cry, and my colleague realised that the baby was anxious and desperate every time the nanny arrived.

Heartbreaking really.


Not a parent, and didn't catch a babysitter, but when I was a kid like 22 years ago, my brother and I were both on Adderall. My mom noticed our stash depleting. After putting a hidden camera in the living room, we caught our neighbor lady sneaking into our house and stealing our meds. It was pretty shocking since we lived in a pretty nice neighborhood in the suburbs.

from Bored Panda

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