Sunday, May 3, 2020

Woman Puts Money In Her Bra, Gets Into Trouble After Being Pulled Over By Police

Awkward things can happen when we least expect them. Artist Ristay drew a comic about an incredibly awkward situation that she got into with the law when she hid money in her chest back when she was a teenager.

“I worked at Papa John’s my whole senior year of high school. I worked the late shifts and some weekends. So for about 9 months. My bank was always closed since I was at school during the day and shifts would start right after school. So when I got tips, I kept them in a zip pouch, waiting for a free moment so I could get to the bank,” Ristay told Bored Panda. Scroll down for the rest of our interview with the artist.

The artist chronicles her life, especially her childhood, in honest and funny comics. According to Ristay, she is “extremely awkward” and she also likes to draw random fictional story art. Check out her social media profiles to see more of her awesome comics. And be sure to read Bored Panda’s previous article about Ristay right here.

More info:Facebook | WebToon | Imgur | Tumblr | DeviantArt |  | SociallyAwkwardHaven

Artist Ristay drew a comic about a hilarious situation about hiding money in her chest that really happened

“I admit, I was a bit of a speed demon, so I’m shocked the only time I was ever pulled over was just for a broken tail light and not for speeding. The police officer stared at me for a pretty long moment before saying, ‘Usually only guilty people blurt out their crimes like that.’ He asked me to drive back to work and we would solve this simply since I assured him they were my tips” the artist went into detail about what happened with the police officer.

“$600 in tips I guess might sound like a lot, but in reality, it was about $30 a day (5 days a week/4 weeks-ish). But it looked like a whole lot when shoved into my shirt, spilling out the collar. Oops.”

Ristay said that she never thought that she’d become a comic artist

Ristay admitted that she never expected to become a comic artist. “I used to tell these confession stories just to Imgur, roughly sketching them out. But they all still got reposted and shared.”

She continued: “For years, I didn’t make comics, just 7 random stories and that was it. But I was still getting messages for more, or just seeing them reposted over and over again over the years. So I finally decided to start making them officially. I am also fixing up my old confession stories with cleaner art and hopefully, dyslexia errors corrected.”

Her fans’ support keeps the artist motivated to keep drawing

Each comic takes around a day to sketch out for Ristay, but she admitted that while drawing is one part of her creative process, typing and proofreading are “a whole other beast” altogether. Ristay keeps herself motivated to draw because a lot of people want her to continue doing so.

“I was truly shocked that despite the crude drawings and the blatant spelling errors, people still enjoyed the confession or the story and wanted more. It made me really happy because that’s all I ever wanted to do was make people laugh,” she said.

This wasn’t the first time that the artist drew a comic about money. Here’s what happened when she was a child

Ristay told Bored Panda that she thinks the funniest comic she’s made is the “Andrew’s window [crap]” comic which you can find right here.

“When I first made that I was actually horrified about that confession. It took a long time for me to learn to laugh at it. But seeing the genuine response of the community here and beyond on Reddit and other sharing sites really made me appreciate and enjoy my own embarrassing confession (this has literally kept me up at night before).”

from Bored Panda

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