Tuesday, July 7, 2020

150 Photos Of Animals Having A Worse Day Than You

There are days when it feels like the world is going against you. You’re late for work, and the keys have just fallen into the drain hole. But day-breaking fails have been well documented in the history of humankind, and there’s a silent agreement not to talk about ‘em too much. Unless it’s the misfortune of others and in that case, you may wanna hit Bored Panda’s previous compilations herehere, and here.

But what hasn’t been chronicled that well is animals going through a rough day, and we are about to change that. You heard me right. Our beloved furry companions have vile days too and they’re just as painfully funny. Squirrels, horses, doggos, they've all had their fair share of 24 hours turned nightmare.

So get some popcorn ready 'cause you’re about to see what a bad day looks like in the animal kingdom. And trust me, just because they don't have keys to fall into a drain hole doesn't mean they have it easier.

#1 I Had To Cut Down A Tree In My Yard And Now I Feel Bad

Image credits: wer190

#2 Doggo Arrest

Image credits: emmethompsonn

#3 Oh Heck

Image credits: elllenrebecca

#4 It Was Not A Squirrel

Image credits: boyilltellyouwhat

#5 Bought A Couch From Craigslist, Heard Noises Coming From It After Bringing It Home. Cut It Open And Found A Cat

Image credits: Mushroom_Therapy

#6 I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This

Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy.

Image credits: Pigglepoo

#7 My Friend Took Her Cat To Get Fixed And His Face Shows Exactly His Thoughts About It

Image credits: kclark2293

#8 Loved Having Grandma Over For Thanksgiving. Dog Was Annoyed

Image credits: ravennasoftware

#9 Ran Through The Tall Weeds With Her Velcro Fur. Took A Bath And Nearly 2 Hours Of Brushing To Get Them All Out

Image credits: Tacocat0927

#10 Dog Bumped Into Me While I Was Carrying My Cereal Bowl. He Was Very Sad About It

Image credits: Wavesonics

#11 My Goat Broke His Trampoline And He's Very Upset. Anyone Have A Small One For Cheap?

Image credits: harboringgrace

#12 My Friends' Cat Got Its Head Stuck In A Vase, Freaked Out, Broke The Vase, And Was Left With This

Image credits: Hardin314

#13 "There Might Have Been Some Miscalculations In My Plan" - Dog

Image credits: StazzyDVlad

#14 My Husband And I Can Officially Check "Pull A Balloon String Out Of A Cat's Butthole At 11:30 At Night" Off Our Bucket List. Finally

Just a reminder for those who might experience this in the future. You can cut the protruding rope and let the cat keep passing it. Pulling it out can damage their little organs.

Image credits: dishie

#15 This Fat Fool Had To Be Rescued By Animal Control

Image credits: mysweetriot

#16 My Friend's Dog Ate A Bee

Image credits: skyline_kid

#17 A Friend Left Her Dog At Home And Came Back To This. Oreo Apparently Found A Bag Of Charcoal And Played With It

Image credits: iamsecondtonone

#18 No Matter How Bad Your Day Was I Can Assure You That Peanut’s Was Worse

This is an old pic. He just got groomed yesterday. We don’t groom as often as we would like due to his age and the stress it causes him. We’ve found a new groomer who is patient with him, so we are doing better now.

Image credits: sarcasticfatwhiteguy

#19 My Dog's Facial Expressions When I Didn't Turn Towards The Dog Park

Image credits: TJNel

#20 One-Year-Old Bulldog Keeva Was In The Attic Looking For Her Toys When She Crashed Through The Ceiling

Image credits: highlandsamantha

#21 My Cat Got Stuck In The Wall On Christmas Day

The basement kitchenette ceiling was left open when it was built a few months ago, so he climbed onto the cupboards and into the ceiling before falling into the wall.

This was at my mom's house and he was stuck for about 2 hours while we tried to figure out his exact location and cut a hole to release him. He is perfectly fine and even tried to go back in the hole!

Image credits: therealIndigocat

#22 So This Happened (Yes, I Rescued It)

Image credits: GoAskAlice

#23 Owner Used The Wrong Shampoo (It's Hair Dye)

Image credits: mimi.joy826

#24 We Actually Had To Help Him Down. Idiot

Image credits: mrstoness

#25 Left A Can Of Tuna In Here To Lure A Pesky Raccoon, Found This In The Morning

Image credits: sassysazz

#26 My Pitbull Always Thought He Was The Biggest Dog At The Dog Park

Image credits: warros

#27 My Buddy's Dog Saw A Moose

Image credits: skiroads

#28 My Friend's Dog Is Not Happy About Leaving The Dog Park Early

Image credits: hawk-queen

#29 Our Dog Opened The Upstairs Screen Door And Followed Our Cat Onto The Roof. He Required Consoling Before Coming Back Inside

Image credits: CallMePancake

#30 My Son Feeding His Fake Dog Goldfish While His Real Dog Sits Outside, Pissed

Image credits: forester1983

#31 The Moment He Realized We Went Past The Dog Park And We're On The Way To The Vet

Image credits: firemike28

#32 This Cat In A Cone

#33 Let My Dog Out Into The Garden, Two Minutes Later I Hear Her Barking And Go Outside To See This

Image credits: Nolanus

#34 Our Cat Steals And Hoards Bottle Caps. Found His Stash While Cleaning

Image credits: devvy_downer

#35 Is This What People Mean When They Say Their Dog Is Broken? Asking For A Friend

Image credits: wideawaketheysleep

#36 This Was The Picture Doggy Daycare Sent Us In Penny's First Report Card To Show Us How Much She Was "Loving It" There

Image credits: AttacktoWin

#37 Oh, Ralph

Image credits: dog_rates

#38 My Coworker’s Dog Got Herself Stuck Underneath Their Shed

Image credits: justintylrallen

#39 Dad Took Our Dog Archie For A Walk. When They Got Back Dad Went To Eat Breakfast

He came back outside afterwards to see Archie was “stuck”. His back foot was on the lead so it strained when he walked forward. So he was “trapped”. Dad lifted his back foot and saved him.

Image credits: Astrid00

#40 My Dog Managed To Get Into A Pack Of Frozen Fish Fillets And He Would've Gotten Away With It If He Didn't Get Stuck And Had To Come To Me For Help

Image credits: xenphioncrisux

#41 This Is My Cat After Trying To Run Out The Door - Into A Wall Of Snow

Image credits: Slaughterizer

#42 My Dachshund Puppy Got Stuck In The Couch Cushions

Image credits: ItHirtsWhenIP

#43 My Poor Cat Got Stuck In The Laundry Room

Image credits: bshigem

#44 My Cat Got Stuck Between The Glass Door And The Screen Door

Image credits: dylan_smith58

#45 Roomba, The Nope Of Dog World

Image credits: Makattic

#46 This Is Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Kids Alone With The Dog

Image credits: crazysnake

#47 He Was Just Trying To Take A Nap

Image credits: Chivobear

#48 Dutchie Opened The Window During A Car Wash

Image credits: JKreines

#49 It’s Not My Fault That Someone Fell Into Their Own Poop And Couldn’t Clean Themselves

Image credits: giraffondo

#50 This Is Cessy, She Is Fun But Aggressive Towards Lil Dogs. Except This Guy

Image credits: SpacePantsByRav

#51 Little Dog Is Wary Of His New Friend

Image credits: Awkward_Dog

#52 A Little Hamster With A Broken Bone, The Doctor Had A Hard Time Dressing It

Image credits: club26212960

#53 Wife Ordered A Pool For Our Dog And This Is What We Got After Waiting For A Month

Image credits: ljorges

#54 My Poor Dog Got Her Tail Caught On A Glue Trap For Insects Underneath The Fridge, While Patiently Waiting For A Treat

Luckily, none of it was pulled out. Just required a trim.

Image credits: Shark-Farts

#55 Trapped Himself In The Shower At Some Point During The Night. Woke Up To Scared Whining

Image credits: macthebearded

#56 Dachshund Learned The Hard Way That Bees Are Friends And Not Food

Image credits: Marra88

#57 When You Love The Smell Of Bacon, But Get A Little Too Close To The Frying Pan On The Stove

Image credits: strooticus

#58 Mistakes Were Made. The Dog Got Into The Weed Cookies. Money Was Spent. Doggo Is Fine. Owner Feels Dumb

Image credits: Sorrymateay

#59 My Cat Is Not What You Would Call The Smartest Of Cats

Image credits: MissNicolicious

#60 Dog Poops On Tortoise

#61 A Bird Has Just Pooed On My Dogs Head

Image credits: frankswift

#62 Came Home To Find My Dog Had Eaten My Snack Mix

Image credits: AdmiralLobstero

#63 I Farted And My Dog Moved To The Far Side Of The Sofa And Has Been Looking At Me Like This Since

Image credits: Jaisyjaysus69

#64 I Think My Dog Just Died A Little Bit On The Inside When I Didn't Give Her The Last Bite Of My Burger

Image credits: waxiestapple

#65 My Friend's Cat Had Surgery And Now He Has No Pants

Image credits: edwardhowrongtu

#66 I Think A Squirrel Fell Off My Roof

Image credits: beefyfritosburrito

#67 My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This

Image credits: Cowdimples31

#68 This Idiot Got Himself Stuck Today

Image credits: ausfez

#69 Sarah (Dog) Stole A Bite Of Stella's Food And Stella Came Running To Me In The Kitchen To Complain About It

Image credits: jamiejo389

#70 When You're Annoyed By Cuddles

Image credits: stephtobin17

#71 Dachshund Problems

Image credits: GordonMaw

#72 When You Didn't Expect Your Owner To Come Right Back Cause They Forgot Something

Image credits: BenitoGarcia70

#73 Poor Little Cat Got A Bit Too Close To The Fire

Image credits: cyabits

#74 Her Bowl Is In The Dishwasher

Image credits: noiamnotyourfriend

#75 She Likes To Nap On The Air Vent, But Always Gets Stuck To It

Image credits: Extirpative

#76 Woke Me Up To Get A Cheez-It Box Off His Head

Image credits: YoureARealCunt

#77 No BBQ For You

Image credits: childrenoftherice

#78 Friend's Dog Got Skunked And She Tried To Use Tomato Sauce To Get It Out. He Looks Like He Just Committed Murder And Got Caught

Image credits: wolfinsheeps

#79 Dog Caught In A Stringy Situation

Image credits: tumblr.com

#80 My Friend Set Her Cat’s Food On A Timer. All He Does All Day Is Wait For The Food Gods To Bless Him

Image credits: emzieees

#81 My Cat’s Face Before And After My Wife Told Her That The High Chair Is Not For Her

Image credits: healzman

#82 I Moved Today, My Cat Isn't Taking It So Well

Image credits: jmelina

#83 Next Door Has A New Kitten. We Have Rabbits

Image credits: mattstillbust

#84 Silly Bird Hit My Car Yesterday. It Flew Away But May Have Left Its Soul Behind

Image credits: dead-w8-

#85 So My Bird Was Stuck In My Bathroom

Image credits: MooSaysCow

#86 This Is How My Dog Greets Me At The Door Today

Image credits: dirtyfacedkid

#87 Spike Only Wanted To Help Cook Dinner

Image credits: SpikeTheBeetle

#88 I Kicked Over My Cat's Milk And Had No Replacement. He Sat Opposite Me As I Ate My Dinner Looking At Me Like This

Image credits: fieldsc

#89 Stop Taking Photos And Help Me, Please

#90 You Think You've Had A Bad Day And Then You Come Home And See This. He Wins

Image credits: ac-unit23

#91 This Morning A Bat Crashed Into My Face And Fell Into My Breakfast. He Seemed Fine

Image credits: pabbit41

#92 Mistakes Were Made

Image credits: brainphillps

#93 Owl Got Stuck In The Net, Delaying Our Game For 30 Minutes. He Was Removed And Is Currently In The Zoo

Image credits: BradyH4

#94 When You Check In On Your Dog To See If He's Having A Good Or Bad First Day Of Doggie Daycare. Hint: He's The White One

Image credits: loosetingles

#95 A Bad Day: Sprayed By A Skunk And Forced To Take A Bath

Image credits: Oliver700

#96 I Bought A Cat Tower Online That Turned Out To Be Much Smaller Than Expected. Trevor Is Still Trying To Be Appreciative Tho

Image credits: SageKitty666

#97 So My Mom Accidentally Ordered An XS Dog Bed, But He's Still Grateful

Image credits: paetonmathes

#98 My Golden Retriever Decided To Roll On The Freshly Mowed Lawn. Hulk Dog

Image credits: Henderp

#99 My Dog Made A “Nope” Circle This Morning

Image credits: gregrawry

#100 Just Thought I’d Check In On The Dogs

Image credits: wps1991

#101 I Had To Lock Her In The Dog Crate Because She Was Going To Break Something From Being Over Hyper. I Think She Hit Her Breaking Point

Image credits: Der_Bosewicht

#102 This Is My Dumb Fish, Deb, Stuck In The Mouth Of A Dragon Decoration For The Third Time This Week

Image credits: Lontology

#103 "Get In The Box" She Said. "It'll Be A Quick Ride" She Said

The SPCA gave us the cardboard box because they said it will have his smells on it (my mom's carrier had her cat scent on it). Gina, the kid I'm nannying for, took the pic. She insisted that the box be strapped in with the seat belt. Buddy, the cat, didn't like the box (for obvious reasons) so he chewed himself an arm hole so he could hold hands with gina.

Image credits: c4chop

#104 My Boyfriend Doesn't Believe That His Cat Bullies Mine

Image credits: lls1494

#105 Saw The Vet Today. He Said I Should Stop Eating My Delicious Cardboard Scratcher, Then He Called Me “Unruly”

Image credits: NotedHeathen

#106 My Dog After Realizing A Ladybug Was On His Bed. He Is Very Sweet, But Very Easily Frightened

Image credits: arduyina

#107 Just Another Day In Montana. Cat Chasing A Bear Out Of The Backyard

Image credits: BozoTheTown

#108 Wife Frantically Called To Tell Me Our Dog Got Stuck In The Fence And Couldn’t Breathe. Came Home To This

Image credits: skooba83

#109 Got Home From Work To Find Lil Norman With His Head Stuck In The Lid To The Cat Food. That’s Not How It Works Buddy

Image credits: yourfavoritevegan

#110 A Memorial For The Squirrel That Ate Through A Wire That Canceled Classes For Two Days. It Was Paid For By The Undergrad Class

Image credits: Lynncy1

#111 My Dog's Face The Moment He Realized I Didn't Actually Have A Treat In My Hand

Image credits: thejesskat

#112 Took Our Dog Swimming For The First Time. Some Of Us Had Fun

Image credits: Guestaloompa

#113 Dog Stuck Inside Toilet

Image credits: KRONC27

#114 Just A Cat Falling Off A Table

Image credits: yekm

#115 Caught The Perfect Shot Of My Mom Trying To Get The Cat Out Of The Tomato Garden

Image credits: kaasett

#116 Saw A Goose Sitting On Some Eggs At The Grocery Store

Image credits: Ihatetobaghansleighs

#117 Smile And Wave Boys

Image credits: Calzel

#118 My Brother's Dog Had To Do An Ultrasound Because He Ate A Rock

Image credits: oobrickheadoo

#119 My Cat Has Been Looking For And Can’t Find The String He Was Just Playing With A Minute Ago

Image credits: steeemo

#120 Do You Think This Is Funny?

Image credits: boyroid

#121 My Sister Sent Me This Pic Of A Raccoon On Her Neighbor's Roof

Image credits: c-root

#122 My Boy Decided To Investigate A Candle

Image credits: beeappy

#123 When The Kitten Discovers That She Can't Walk On Bubbles And Thinks You Have Betrayed Her

Image credits: Ekd7801

#124 Oh

Image credits: Annon8765

#125 Someone's Missing Their Dog?

Image credits: Maklo_Never_Forget

#126 Didn't Measure My Cat And Bought A Carrying Pack Way Too Small For Him

Image credits: Omg_Itz_Winke

#127 My Dog Got A Little Excited When I Arrived Home For The Holidays

Image credits: -GremlinDVa-

#128 This Picture My Wife Captured At The Perfect Moment Of Our Cats

Image credits: DizzyApps

#129 When My Dog Decided To Sit On My Cat

Image credits: pulchritude022

#130 My Pup Injured Her Eye And Now Is Having To Wear Goggles When She Goes For A Run

Image credits: Jimmymgs

#131 When My Dog Got Stuck In A Hole And Couldn't Get Out By Himself

Image credits: flowersunscreen

#132 So My Cat Got Her Head Stuck In A Roll Of Tape

Image credits: not-a-pretzel

#133 A Wasp Steamrolled By A Train

Image credits: Mana999

#134 Our Dogs Were Not Prepared For The Level Of Emotional Support We Require During Quarantine

Image credits: happygrapefruit3337

#135 We Ruined This Cat

Image credits: ArmageddonWasp

#136 My Friend's Goose Reacting To The Snow

Image credits: ttmatthews_

#137 A Disgruntled Customer Has Been Staring At My Mom Through Her Office Window Because The Bird Feeder Is Empty

Image credits: tremillow

#138 My Cat Wanted A Closer Look At The Birds

Image credits: marley2012

#139 My Dog Murdered A Pen

Image credits: PARAN0lA

#140 My Cat, Discovering That My Mother Has Placed A Vase Of Flowers Where She Normally Sits In The Sun

She immediately came inside and sat as close as she could to the vase while also yelling at my mother.

Image credits: Carpe-Asinum

#141 My Cat Is Upset She Has To Wear A Cone, It Makes It Hard For Her To Hide In Her Favorite Spot

Image credits: The_Scrub

#142 My Friend's Cat Got Stuck Inside A Plastic Hanger

Image credits: adholden

#143 Dog Thought The Door Was Open, It Wasn't

Image credits: bars1979

#144 My Brother's Doggo Leaned Against That One Wall With Fresh Paint

Image credits: Khuteh

#145 She Immediately Regretted This

Image credits: cptnredbeardo

#146 My Mom’s Cat. 100% Stuck And Not Nearly As Amused As I Was

Image credits: shade-tree_pilot

#147 My Dog, Harry

Image credits: SuperBox36

#148 My Spirit Animal

Image credits: bakerie

#149 I'm Posting This For My Dog

Image credits: Drumlin

#150 Baby Bird Landed In One Of My Customers' Chicken Marsala

Image credits: choxie

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2VUvhbC

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