Wednesday, September 23, 2020

141 People Whose Brain.exe Stopped Working And They Forgot How To Use The English Language (New Pics)

Ah, English! One of the easiest or hardest languages you’ll ever learn—depending on whom you ask. However, even if we’re wizards of literature or native speakers, we all slip up from time to time. We can forget how to spell and even the most simple words can elude us. Especially when we’re stressed or distracted (but social media can be to blame, too!).

We've collected some of the funniest times that people’s minds temporarily shut down and their English language skills melted like butter in a hot pan from the 716k-member-strong r/ihadastroke subreddit. When you’re done upvoting your fave pics and enjoying this list, you can check out our previous post about people who forgot how English works right here.

Bored Panda talked about the pitfalls that come with learning English, what we can do to keep our linguistic skills sharp, and the effects that social media has on our grammar with Dr. Lisa McLendon, who is the News and Information Track Chair at the University of Kansas School of Journalism and Coordinator at the Bremner Editing Center. Read on for her in-depth insights.

#1 Eh

Image credits: AssasinNarga

#2 I Think My Girlfriend Needs Some Pastaa

Image credits: BL4ZINGMVP

#3 Stroke Time

Image credits: nico721GD

Dr. McLendon from the University of Kansas said that some parts of the English language can be hard to learn for foreign students. A lot depends on the languages they already know.

“For students whose native language lacks articles (a, an, the), articles are by far the hardest category of words to master. Verb tense/aspect is also really hard—the difference between ‘I read,’ ‘I am reading,’ and ‘I do read’ is nonexistent in many other languages,” the professor explained.

However, memorizing common words doesn’t help overcome these difficulties. It’s all a matter of changing your mindset and practicing things until they become second nature. “These don’t pose any difficulties for native speakers who use them correctly without even thinking about it,” Dr. McLendon said. However, native speakers have other problems with English.

#4 Narto

Image credits: Kangaroo021

#5 Did I Make A Reddit Account Just To Post My Grandpa Having His Seventh Typing Stroke Today? Yes, Yes I Did

Image credits: pippypopped

#6 How When Me The What Is You

Image credits: Loududie

In Dr. McLendon’s experience as an editor and a teacher, she has found that native speakers have trouble with past passive participles in speech (e.g. saying ‘I had went’). Meanwhile, in writing, they have problems with punctuation, homophones (peek vs. peak, etc.), and misplaced modifiers.

But for those of us who feel confident in our English and feel like there’s nowhere else to go, the journey isn’t quite over. We can’t rest on our laurels.

“Read! Read widely and frequently. Read magazines, newspapers, novels, even cereal boxes,” the expert said. “But be careful when scrolling through social media, which although it can give you a good idea of current slang and shorthand, is often not a great model of clarity, accuracy, or good grammar.”

#7 Grandma Not Doing To Good

Image credits: SandwichGoddess24

#8 Hm...

Image credits: littlefairyprincess0

#9 When To Take Your Mdedicatnion

Image credits: Roar_Im_A_Nice_Bear

Dr. McLendon previously told Bored Panda that people forget words all the time because of temporary ‘blips’ in the information retrieval process in our minds. However, modern life and the easy access to technology also have an effect on our ability to spell well.

Spell-check, auto-correct, and editing software are now very common and they can shut down our ability to think and write for ourselves.

“Because spell-check and autocorrect are everywhere, what seems to be the biggest problem is words that are spelled correctly but aren’t the right word, like ‘form’ instead of ‘from,’ ‘it’s’ instead of ‘its,’ or ‘defiantly’ instead of ‘definitely.’”

#10 Hate It When People The Food

Image credits: lucky-dude

#11 My Mom Just Sent Me This Out Of The Blue

Image credits:

#12 Drunk Friends Are Quality Comedians

Image credits: callumphasbeens

Improving our writing skills requires conscious effort on our part. Editing and proofreading are very important, so we should take the time to carefully read over what we’ve written. Several times if necessary. Knowing what mistakes we tend to make most often is also an advantage because we can then avoid those pitfalls.

However, there are times when editing, stepping back for a while, and sitting down to edit again isn’t enough. Dr. McLendon suggests having someone else read over what you’ve written to catch any mistakes left behind.

“When you’ve written something, your brain already knows what you’re thinking and what you meant to say, even if you didn’t actually say it. So when you read your own writing, you unconsciously fill in missing words, skip over typos, fail to see ambiguity, etc. Another person, someone who sees only what’s on the page and not what’s in your head, can help you spot mistakes and improve your writing. This is especially important if you are carving something in stone or getting a tattoo with words in it.”

#13 Ehhh... Meet??

Image credits: YoungBlackBelt

#14 Uh

Image credits: PunchaCow

#15 Sprite Kurkkurkkkkkurite Kuav Kute K

Image credits: Oson360

#16 What’s A Banana?

Image credits:

#17 Thanks Brian

Image credits: A_TREE57

#18 English? Do You Speak It!

Image credits:

#19 Strok

Image credits: NotInExist

#20 Ship

Image credits: BLAZE_WRAITH

#21 Brain Movie

Image credits:

#22 I Don't Know

Image credits: Dead-Rat-69

#23 Stroke Robbery

Image credits: ScreamingDirt

#24 The Mercedes F1 Team After Today's Race

Image credits: kcinnay2

#25 At Least Google Knew What I Was Going For

Image credits: BanishedOcean

#26 What?

Image credits: _WillyTheWaffle_

#27 Tupe

Image credits: Irl_Pico

#28 I Understand Half Of This Sentence Lmao

Image credits: The-Amazing-Taco-Guy

#29 Sooo It's Souls Then?

Image credits:

#30 Hmmm I See

Image credits: helpmeimausername

#31 First Post - Idk If My Sister’s Okay

Image credits: ii_BaguetteOuiOui

#32 Laughed His Ass Off Ass Off

Image credits: HAMADA_KANAME

#33 My Friend Had Stroke Last Night

Image credits: babybutternubz

#34 Girls Is Can What?

Image credits: GayStorkLord

#35 With God Things All Possible Are

Image credits: eclectichickennugget

#36 My Friend On Psn Asked Me To Join His Party...

Image credits: Chovacassanova

#37 1 Like

Image credits: I_have_good_memes

#38 Very Much Road

Image credits: kaw242424

#39 House Shoot You

Image credits: 13SpiritWolf42

#40 Spelling

#41 What Happened?

Image credits: Kouto6

#42 Be Careful That You...

Image credits: tavvun

#43 Family Strokes

Image credits: I-Play-Games_

#44 Wat Iss The Foooonf

Image credits: youthfulcomrade

#45 I Am Sport

Image credits: jeppelsen06

#46 Ah Yes

Image credits: Enderbike

#47 I Was Playing Skribbl, Word Was Frosting.

Image credits: lolavast

#48 Brew

Image credits: MobbiK04

#49 Uhhh...sureee...?

Image credits: Otakuboyseason2

#50 Inspiring

Image credits: somethingoriginal108

#51 New Scares Me

Image credits: cwansolo

#52 He Couldn't Handle The Metric System--

Image credits: lynx_is_a_lion

#53 Fakes Mloler

Image credits: ram_RK

#54 Sasig

Image credits: bean-named-ark

#55 Stroke Time (Repost From My Old Acc)

Image credits: eIeuthera

#56 This Shirt My Mom Bought

Image credits: angwryyyy

#57 Okay??

Image credits: LogicalSnake

#58 ‘What?’ Indeed

Image credits: iBallwart

#59 Among Us Stroke

Image credits: reallyrawcheeze

#60 Ladies And Gentleman, Meet My Sister

Image credits: ItsTheAmazingMe

#61 My Girlfriend Just Had A Stroke.

Image credits: MGS2712

#62 I Guess I Should Shut Up

Image credits: kid_at_the_back

#63 “That’s Great Dad” Lmaooo-

Image credits: trenekko

#64 Yes, Whatever It Is The Question (Found On A Facebook Group)

Image credits: Esmope

#65 My Friend Had A Stork

Image credits: TeamHisYT

#66 What?

Image credits: WhyCantIThinkOfName

#67 My Friends Having A Stroke

Image credits: BritPig

#68 Glad Someone Finally Someone Said It

Image credits: wateryoudoinq

#69 My Mom Was At The Store So I Asked Her How Long Until She Gets Back And She Sent Me This... (Idk What To Flair This)

Image credits: Random_person326

#70 Bazinga

Image credits: griegkaun

#71 Coast-Tree

Image credits: lonoel2003

#72 Got A Bit Drunk And Texted One Of My Friends This

Image credits:

#73 My Friend Woke Up At 3am And Messaged Me This, I Think He Was Tired.

Image credits:

#74 My Aunt Jus Texted Me This- Yo What ?

Image credits: HolyZorroBatamm

#75 Wheeze

Image credits: JumpierBard

#76 Is He Okay?

Image credits: chasegotluv

#77 One Of The Many Tvs At The Bar I Tend Frequents Strong Man Competitions. One Day, The Subtitles Decided To Be Extra Cool.

Image credits: DaClicka

#78 When Webtoon Translates So Badly The Fan Translation Is Better. (I Don't Know If This Is 'Able To Be Understood' But Here.)

Image credits: YukinaSaiona

#79 Why Autocorrect Is Annoying But Helps:

Image credits: midnightlemur

#80 Where Does Wednesday Go

Image credits: TheLonewolfx97YT

#81 Supamahn

Image credits: Zeewild

#82 Dennis

Image credits: Apfelmatschi

#83 Hollow Knight Review

Image credits: Thegreatteal

#84 What Exactly Do I Have?

Image credits: killer2000139

#85 My Brother Just Sent Me This.

Image credits: 3rDuck

#86 So Somebody In A Discord Server Stroked Out After Seeing One Of My Pictures

Image credits: ScaredOfPotatoes

#87 It Doesnt Last For Very Long You Know

Image credits: Zax97

#88 Don't You Hate It When This Happens

Image credits: RubyEggRollz

#89 Pl3as3 H3lp

Image credits: K3tchup8

#90 He Wanted To Say Aight

Image credits: haharobotgobeepbo

#91 How Does Bots?

Image credits: kickingturtle48

#92 Me And My Wife Be Like:

Image credits: DLtheCreator

#93 He Started Speaking Enchantement Table

Image credits: kgb444

#94 Slamongflobo In The Contorler

Image credits: fishingnet7479

#95 Guys I Think My Boyfriend Is Malfunctioning...

Image credits: bakuhoe__

#96 Very Cool Shirt

Image credits:

#97 Does This Count?

Image credits:

#98 I Found This On Facebook And Have No Clue Where They Were Going With This

Image credits:

#99 Forhelvede

Image credits:

#100 I Dont Know What Story This Is Supposed To Tell

Image credits:

#101 It Was A Fair Argoment

Image credits:

#102 Indeee

Image credits:

#103 Saw This, I Couldn't Stop Laughing

Image credits:

#104 Sounds About Right.

Image credits:

#105 Lmao Scott, You Should Take A Trip To The Doc's

Image credits:

#106 Dad’s Losin It ?

Image credits:

#107 I Don't Actually Know

Image credits:

#108 Don't Try To Think About It Too Long. Or Blood Will Shoot Out Your Nose.

Image credits:

#109 I Was Sleepy And Sent.

Image credits:

#110 Monke Language

Image credits:

#111 I Downloaded Reddit Just To Post This.

Image credits:

#112 Musrooms, Spotted In The Wild

Image credits:

#113 What Happens When Someone In Your Discord Server Gets Drunk Off Their Friggin Mind

Image credits:

#114 What A Life Changing Tip In Life

Image credits:

#115 Friend Gave Me Strok

Image credits:

#116 Ah Yes, Classic Star Wars Card Trader

Image credits:

#117 Cacks Are My Favourite Dessert

Image credits:

#118 Guess Ill Die

Image credits:

#119 Egg

Image credits:

#120 Im Also Also

Image credits:

#121 Boob Tips

Image credits:

#122 Unsleep

Image credits:

#123 Spelling

Image credits: MattStout07

#124 Such A Better Word Than Pony Lol

Image credits:

#125 Mini Dirt Apples

Image credits:

#126 Slaves With Benefits

Image credits:

#127 Spelling

#128 Spelling

#129 She Had A Small Lil' Stroke While Playin' Among Us...

Image credits: ElasticSniper

#130 Godzilal Had A Storke, Pres F To Pya Repsects

Image credits: photoratzam

#131 I Had To Change To Dark Mode For This.

Image credits: boomboxblam

#132 Sonebody Help Decript This Coded Message?

Image credits: omjzas

#133 Mega Shainy Raiguaza My Fav

Image credits: ThatOneEpicWeeb

#134 I Think I Had A Stroke While Naming My Layers

Image credits: and_cashews

#135 Actual Mercedes Tweet

Image credits: Dimitrije2005

#136 Had A Stroke Trying To Read This Sign

Image credits:

#137 He's Trying His Best

Image credits:

#138 Get Stikbuget Lol

Image credits:

#139 The State Of This Sub Rn Fix It Pls

Image credits: Flinnnx

#140 I Tried To Spell Cats (Also Behold My Custom Discord Theme)

Image credits:

#141 Spelling

from Bored Panda

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