Friday, October 16, 2020

Someone Asks People What Is The Biggest Secret They’ve Kept From Their Parents, And They Deliver

Sorry, parents, but your sons and daughters have secrets. Whether they don't want to upset you or are sick and tired of the "same old lecture," they keep some things to themselves. It's normal. And it doesn't mean they hate you or anything. Plus, there's a good chance that eventually they will open up to you. Probably. If you're treating them right.

Because as Reddit user 1quid_nurgget found out when they asked, "What is the biggest secret you've kept from your parents?", children often get back at their moms and dads by simply keeping their lives away from them. Yes, there were a few innocent answers, but they were mostly exceptions. Continue scrolling and take a look for yourself.


I met the guy my mom told me was my real father. We did a DNA test and there is a 0% chance. He even took me on a white water rafting trip with his wife and son. I’ve never told her.

Image credits: the_nightcourt


I have an eating disorder. I’ve had one since I was 11, and I even went to the hospital for it. They still don’t know.

Image credits: Vale_M10


That I was molested as a kid and suicidal for years afterwards. They knew I had a nervous breakdown Freshman year of High School and was suicidal at 15, they didn't know I'd been messed up since I was 10.


I was a high functioning depressed alcoholic for my whole college life.

Image credits: TimDuncanCanDunk


I actually DID know why my laptop wasn't working. I spilt a fair bit of Jack Daniel's on it.

Image credits: dramaticeffect_


My parents divorced when I was eight. My dad left, and I never saw much of him. Among other issues, he came out to my brother and I before they divorced. I never told my mother that he was gay. My father passed in 2011, my mother in 2017. I think she had an idea, but we never discussed it. He was born in 1945, before such a thing was accepted, and attempted at 'passing.'

Image credits: Merkle85


That I'm a lesbian. And that that "friend" who I don't invite home anymore is actually my ex...

Image credits: Somenerdyfag


I know that my mom’s cheating on my dad. He doesn’t know it’s happening (to my knowledge) and she doesn’t know that I know.


When I was at Walmart with my mom, and I stole 2 of those big cartons full of Pokemon Cards. Took the cards and stuffed them in my backpocket. I planned the whole robbery a week before. I was the best robber at 9.

Image credits: j-benz


My mum doesn't know I've been arrested twice, one time with my dad.

Image credits: BarryShitpeas22


That my sister is gay. She openly admits it to everyone, except for my family. She opened up to me, eventually but both my parents and older brother don't know about it. Since then we've become a lot closer than when we were kids.

Image credits: vkuma


That I’m diagnosed bipolar.

Image credits: bllaaushpibu


That I’m bi and I was dating women. One came on vacation with us and stayed in my room.


When I was around 14 I overheard my parents arguing. My mom was yelling at my dad about some [adult] searches on the computer. It was really me that was going on the computer in their room and watching [it]. He kept denying it and she kept calling him a liar. He slept in the guest bedroom for a month after that fight.

Image credits: postedUpOnTheBlock


I recorded Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz over my sister's high school graduation video.

It's been about 18 years, but I still feel bad.

Image credits: sheldonowns


My mom always wondered why i didn't have friends in high school and it is because we were broke and I knew she was struggling so i refused anytime people wanted to do things so I wouldn't ask for money then in my last year of high school I worked full time so I had no time to make friends


Parents are (and raised me to be) staunch Mormon. (For those unfamiliar, Mormons believe their church is the only true church on Earth.)

I don't believe it's true. They think I still go, but it's infrequent at best.

Image credits: TheCardgageCurse


My mom has made derogatory comments about lesbian/bi women. I think that if I came out as bi she'd make it seem like she'd accept it, but deep down she wouldn't really. I don't think I'll ever be coming out fully.

Image credits: MuchoMarsupial


i just pay escorts to show as my 'girlfriend' so they would stop telling their friends to hook me up with their daughters.
every gathering they would show up meet everyone and always have to leave early.
i pay by hour.


Just how abusive my ex was.


I was accused of rape when I was 17 (legally an adult in Texas so they didn’t have to tell them) and a detective took my phone for the school day to verify the texts proving the encounter was consensual were real. Really weird time in my life, having to deal with the fallout at school and not telling them the truth.


I make more money than I let on. My parents have and will always be the "I take care of you all your life, time for you to pay it back" type of parent. Except there is no end to this "debt". So I hide money from them so they can't take advantage of me

Image credits: Nagaisbae


That I’m not going to finish my degree and I’ve paid off my student loans. My degree was pointless and I don’t do well in school due to my ADHD. My dad constantly asks when I’m going to finish and stop bartending...I just say soon. I hate disappointing them because my Dad gets very proud of my sister and I with our accomplishments...but truth be told, I’m quite content with the 60k I make bartending. My degree would've only pulled 35k starting.

Image credits: absurdapple


When I was 12 I saw emails on my mom's iPod touch. The emails were very suggestive and were between my mother and another man. I never told my dad that I saw those emails. I wish I did, because it turned out that she was cheating on him.

This is the first time I've mentioned it to anyone. It feels good to get it off my chest.

Image credits: stitchessnitches


I was a phone sex operator in University. I told everyone I took phone orders for The Bay (department store in Canada). One day my dad asked me if they were hiring. Nope. We were not.

Image credits: Bornthisweigh


Got an abortion last year.

Image credits: IL-10


This isn't too bad, but I never really want to have kids. Maybe one day that might change, but I haven't told my parents as they both seem so happy to think that one day they'll be grandparents and that I'll be a mother and we'll all be happy and - Mum? I already have enough stress.


I was heavily addicted to morphine for my entire time at university.


My location for the past 25 years.

Image credits: Metatron_Fallen


My depression and the fact I nearly failed out of first year because I couldn't handle university.

Image credits: Sarcastic__


I got someone pregnant and I'm pretty sure she kept the baby and didn't tell me.


That I used to sneak out of the house from our second story bathroom window to go nightclubbing with my friends after my parents went to bed.


That I thought I have mental problems but I keep pushing it down and trying to fix it myself, because I think that people will think its for the attention and it makes me question myself but I try to be normal.

Image credits: Roket200678


They don't know how depressed I actually am.


I sometimes grab lunch or dinner on the way home from class, and I don't tell them. If I did, I'd probably get yelled at for "wasting money when we have perfectly good food at home." My mom's cooking is great but...... sometimes I just want to grab some pizza.

Recently she's been on a some obscure health diet plan that she's forcing everyone through, but it's a bit ridiculous.

Image credits: Kent_Knifen


I want to be a dental surgeon, but my parents want me to go to school for a crackpot antivaxx "holistic" naturopathic doctor because they don't trust modern medicine. I'm afraid that if I tell them, They well refuse to pay for my college/dental school expenses, or worse, disowned.


I am transgender. I haven't told literally anyone I know. I live in the bible belt in the south, and my grandfather is the pastor and owner of a fairly large church. I don't have any plans on telling anyone or transitioning until I move from the town I'm living in right now.


They have a grandchild.

Image credits: FBI_Agent_69


I told them that I was doing a extra on site learning course for uni in which I would be away for 31 days interstate. My husband sorted out the kids so he was fine.

I actually went to a residential rehab and got clean and sober. Didn’t tell them until I was released. They literally had no idea.


Stole money for weed and regret it to this day. My lazy [arse] should've just gotten a job instead.


I used to watch southpark when they thought I was sleeping.

Image credits: Anonymous


That I don't love them. I care about them in the way I care for a hurt stranger but I won't be crying when they die except for over the stress of handling the funeral and finding a place for their kid and animals to live.


I lived with my girlfriend / fiancé for ~1.5 years in a house ~45 minutes from where my parents lived prior to us being married. They are very conservative and would have likely not attended the wedding had they known.


The fact that I work out, hard and heavy.

My Mom thinks that muscles on girls are gross, and for the years that she knew I worked out she treated me like I'm gross too. It was heartbreaking for me. So now I pretend that I lost interest in lifting weights and I'm much happier this way. (the true fact is that I gave it up for 2 months and couldn't stand life without it) It's sad that I can't keep my Mom in the loop of my most loved passion, but I've accepted it :)

Image credits: Retinator99


That I genuinely have no desire to have a relationship with them. If it wasn’t for the wife planning dinners with my mother I would have no relationship at all. Father left in my teenage years and is a pathological liar, so I’m better off without him too.


I’ve read or written fan fiction since I was 16 years old. I have no idea what they thought I was laughing at on my laptop for the last ten years but I’m glad they didn’t know the truth. Some of it is preeeeetty explicit.

Image credits: something-sensible


That I'm trans and bi.

My mother passed away before I could come out to her and I really don't know if my father will care about me more then his political beliefs.

Image credits: Alexcalibur42


Small secret: Back in high school days, I stole $20 out of my mom's wallet, and then concocted a complicated but realistic lie to keep it.

Big secret: I'm an atheist. I'm glad they have a big community of people who love them at their church, and it's nice that some of those people knew me when I was small, but I have no love for their shared belief system. I'm angry that they wanted me to believe in it, too, and when I said I didn't, they lashed out at me in very cruel ways.


My parents don't know that I'm highly involved in the BDSM community in my city. I even attend a bar at our local fetish club a couple times a month. My fiancé and I are super vanilla passing. Which is lucky. They're happier not knowing.


When I was a child, I was in my parents drawers and opened them and saw (what I now know to be) condoms. I grabbed all the condoms and started making balloon animals. I was obsessed with making them as a kid so I thought they had bought me balloons. The worst part was that I was using the ones that were already used. My parents had a drawer specifically for used condoms. I hate myself for being so dumb.


My dad doesn't know that I was suspended due to grades for a semester in college.

Image credits: _ohhello


They had no idea I left my job with the cable company to sell cars / write up oil changes for almost a year. I was emotionally burnt out from the bulls**t and couldn't take it anymore so I tried switching careers. Didn't really pan out, but it did get me away from that toxic s**thole of a company and allowed me to figure out what I actually wanted to do and go from there.


My mom does not really know she's the reason my dental health is [screwed] from stress induced teeth grinding... which she knew about and did nothing about it. Nor does she know she's a major reason as to why I have notable social anxiety and other psychological problems.

She's gonna find out sooner or later I am sure. I do not live with her anymore for a reason.


I smashed a supermarket window.

Image credits: Pools2014


When I was in the 7th grade I started to get into [adult content] and my favorite, for some reason, was guy on guy stuff even though I’m a girl. Anyways, I didn’t know how anything but YouTube worked so I ended up downloading like 3 gay [adult] videos on my phone and I had an Android so when I deleted the videos the download history was still in my phone.

For some reason my mom took my phone and went through it and sat me down and asked me about the [videos] she found on it. But for some more context I had to keep my phone in the living room at night and could only have it during the day.

Now I’m not proud of this but I’m a good liar. But in this situation I didn’t have to do much lying because as soon as I started crying and saying I didn’t do it she immediately believed me and blamed it on my step-dad, saying that she had a suspicion that he was gay through their whole relationship and all that.

After that she never confronted him and just continued to stay with him even though she thought he was gay and that’s when I realized my mom was a gold-digger.


How much I cry. They have too much to deal with and I've learned to handle it on my own and get back to my normal smiley self.

Image credits: iimuffinsaur


I snorted my Ritalin prescription for 7 years before I finally started taking it normally again. I was in so deep and they never even knew.


My parents are very staunch Muslims. They raised me strictly in Islam and they figure that I’m a good Muslim like the rest of my siblings. I love my parents and they are good people, but I don’t have the heart to tell them that I’ve never really believed in religion and it only got worse when I got older and went to college. I don’t know how to keep this façade any longer because whenever I’m home I have to act as Muslim as possible, and I know if I would want them in my life I would have to follow Islamic traditions that just aren’t for me.

from Bored Panda

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